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Alaskan Bookie

I am a passionate devourer of chocolate and books. I also listen to audio books and drink chocolate. When I die, I don't want to be embalmed, I want to be dipped!

Rise of Empire (The Riyria Revelations, #3-4) - Michael J. Sullivan, Tim Gerard Reynolds This is the second book in the Riyria Revelations and it picks up where the first story left off. I would highly recommend that you read the first book in the series before reading this one because the author doesn't fill the pages with much information about what happened in book 1, he just takes off down the adventure road! This was another great epic adventure, narrated once more by Tim Gerard Reynolds, that sees all of the main characters off still trying to save the empire and track down the the true heir. I was really surprised that this second book was as good as the first. It didn't bog down like many other series books do. I really enjoyed how the characters filled out and discovered more about themselves as well as meeting some other new key players.